Every.damn. Day.
📿How can we do this daily & feel the results?
📿When you want to high five someone in the fucking mouth but you choose to come from light and love—-it is intentional.
📿When you’re about to enter a conversation/meeting & you stop, breathe, & choose to show up as your authentic self and not a fake voice/smile— that is intentional.
📿When you don’t wanna work out and you have 50 reasons, but you put on your shoes and do it anyway —intentionally.
📿When you’re about to repeat yourself for the 50th time and hear your voice getting louder to your kids, your spouse, whoever and you stop to take a breath & choose patience--that is intentional.
📿When the inner self chatter starts about ‘shoulda, woulda, coulda’ & you feel worry or less than. You pause, you take a deep breath, and you change the narrative and speak life & favor & empowerment over yourself. THAT IS AN INTENTIONAL ACT.
📿when unfair, shitty life & worldly stuff happens & tears your soul open.
We can say I’m fine. I’m fine. It is FINE.
Or We can choose intention—intentionally cry, vent, express, lean on your faith, & feel what you feel.
📿All day. every day.
Every moment.
Be intentional.
With your words.
Your time. Your energy. Your choices. Your being.
That is how true authenticity is birthed!
I WILL put Bad Bunny music on, hard core dance to feel release & free, talk to God & affirm & remember who I REALLY AM—-WITH deep INTENTION!😊👊🏽